Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

This whole deal with swine flu is really scary it's just like the regular flu but people are making it sound worse. And know everyone is scared to catch it and they think they have it. All you can do is wash your hands and keep clean and stay away from sick people and don't go across the border if you were planning on it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A teacher's story

I was in fifth grade when Mrs. Davis our school counselor made a difference in my life. I would go to her office and eat lunch everyday after my parents got divorced. She would always ask me how things were going and that everything we talked about stayed in her room and she wouldn't tell my mom about anything we talked about. I remember when my dad had to get sent off after September 11 happened and it scared me she let me sit in her office that day and talk to her. This is the teacher who has mad a difference in my life.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Salem Witch Trials

Dear Churchmen,

Please believe me when I say that I AM NOT A WITCH!!!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 reasons I love spring semester

1. warmer weather
2. TAKS and we don't have to come till after lunch
3. About to graduate!
4. Spring Break!
5. classes getting easier
6. Rain
7. leaves come back

Monday, February 2, 2009

18 reasons I am thankful for my parents

1. my mom gave birth to me
2. feed me
3. provide shelter
4. payed for all of my necessities
5. fun
6. good personalities
7. they are there when i need them
8. they are supportive
9. They are helping get into college
10. They love me!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby born 2 days after mom's death.

A tiny baby girl gaining strength in an incubator in England is named “Aya” — Arabic for “miracle.” The name is not only beautiful but also descriptive of her birth: She was born two days after her mother was declared brain dead.

Jayne Soliman, a former British figure skating champion, was 41 years old and looked to be in perfect health as she carried the child she and her husband, Mahmoud, had dreamed of having. She was 25 weeks pregnant and working at her job as a skating coach on Wednesday, Jan. 7, when trouble signs appeared, according to a story reported Thursday for TODAY by NBC News’ Dawna Friesen.

“She said she didn't feel well, she had a headache and went home early,” Soliman’s friend, Abi Baldwin, told NBC News.

Once at home, Soliman collapsed. She was rushed to a hospital, where it was determined that she had suffered a massive hemorrhage caused by an aggressive tumor that had been growing undetected in her brain.

Between life and death
Soliman was declared brain dead, Friesen reported. But doctors kept her heart beating on life-support machines in the hope that they could save her unborn baby.

For two days, they fed the tiny fetus large doses of steroids through her mother’s blood vessels to force the baby’s lungs to develop.

On Friday, 48 hours after Soliman died, an obstetrician delivered Aya Jayne Soliman via Caesarean section. Soliman was disconnected from the machines that had kept her body alive, and shortly after, her heart stopped beating.

The infant weighed just over 2 pounds. Although she is in an incubator in a neonatal intensive care unit, Friesen said, “She is tiny, but perfect. And, friends say, will be showered with love.” “It was Jayne's one true wish to be a mum. She would have been a great mum,” Mahmoud Soliman said in a statement to the media. “In the space of 48 hours I have experienced joy at the birth of my child and endured torment over losing my wonderful wife.”

Tragedy and triumph
“You can't help but be touched by the tragedy of the situation, that this is a mom that lost her life and a baby that won't know her mother,” Dr. Deborah Harrington, the obstetrician who delivered Aya, told NBC.

In 1989, Soliman became Great Britain’s figure skating champion and was ranked seventh in the world. She continued skating and coaching after her professional career ended. She met her husband while she was working in Dubai two years ago, according to British media reports.

Skater David Phillips, a 48-year-old colleague and friend of Soliman’s, told reporters in England that Soliman was ecstatic at the prospect of becoming a mother.

“To Jayne, becoming a mother was the best thing in the world that could have happened to her,” he is reported to have said. “She was so happy, she had always wanted to be a mum more than anything else. She lived to have a baby girl — that was the one thing she wanted in her life.”

A tearful Baldwin told NBC, “I hope that Jayne's spirit will live on in Aya, and every time Jayne's husband looks at Aya he'll realize how wonderful Jayne was.”

Hi, my name is Shay and I have a brother who is Cujo. Our owners are very kind and loving, we love to take long walks outside and play with the Frisbee out in the backyard and me and Cujo will play fight with out owners.